Welcome to Railfuture Wales - Croeso i Railfuture Cymru

The iconic Britannia Bridge - taken from Wikipedia

Photo: The iconic Britannia Bridge - taken from Wikipedia

Request for help: Railfuture Cymru/Wales requires volunteers to translate from English to Welsh and/or to be media contacts. Please contact Peter Kingsbury (details below) if you can help.

Please read details of our Campaigns (English only).

We would really appreciate having more members, particularly people who wish to take part in shaping and promoting our campaigns for a bigger and better railway in Wales. Please click JOIN to apply to become a member.

Rail Wales

Click here for links to issues of our Newsletter, Rail Wales.

Cliciwch yma i ddadlwytho ein cylchgrawn, Rail Wales.

Items for Rail Wales to | Eitemau ar gyfer `Rail Wales` at peter.kingsbury at railfuturewales.org.uk

Rail User Groups | grwpiau teithwyr rheilffordd

Railfuture Cymru/Wales Activities

Find out about our activies — read the minutes from the 2022 AGM.

Railfuture Cymru/Wales: Development Plan for the Railways of Wales and the Borders (PDF [download] 2MB) - 2013 (71 pages)

Railfuture Cymru/Wales: Cynllun Datblygu Rheilffyrdd Cymru a`r Gororau (PDF [lawrlwytho] 2MB) - 2013 (71 tudalen)

Railfuture Cymru/Wales: On Track For The 21st Century: A Development Plan For The Railways Of Wales And The Borders (PDF [download] 2.4MB) - 2016 (4 pages)

Railfuture Cymru/Wales: Ar y Trywydd Iawn i’r 21fed Ganrif: Cynllun Datblygu Rheilffyrdd Cymru a`r Gorora (PDF [lawrlwytho] 2.4MB) - 2016 (4 tudalen)

Railfuture Wales responses to consultations

Please read details of our Submissions to Consultations (English only).

Railfuture Cymru/Wales response to the 'National Transport Plan of Wales' (PDF [download] 340kB) - 27/02/2015

Railfuture Cymru/Wales response to the 'Cynllun Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Trafnidiaeth' (PDF [lawrlwytho] 340kB) - 27/02/2015

Railfuture Cymru/Wales Chairman | Railfuture Cymru/Wales Cadeirydd

Richard Wilcock

  • richard.wilcock at railfuturewales.org.uk
  • Telephone | Ffôn - 01745 889203
  • Railfuture Cymru/Wales Secretary | Railfuture Cymru/Wales Ysgrifenydd

    Post currently vacant

    Newsletter editor and media enquiries | Ymholiadau`r cyfryngau

    Peter Kingsbury

  • peter.kingsbury at railfuturewales.org.uk
  • Telephone | Ffôn - 029 2048 4431

  • Railfuture - The independent campaign for a better passenger and freight rail network.

    We need you - Join us!

    Please go to the Join page to become a member of Railfuture.

    Railfuture - yr ymgyrch annibynnol am well rhwydwaith ar gyfer teithwyr a nwyddau.

    Mae angen arnom chi - felly ymunwch â ni!

    Ewch i`r dudalen Ymuno petasech chi eisiau ymuno â Railfuture.

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    About Railfuture

    Railfuture is an independent, voluntary group representing rail users in Britain with 20,000 affiliated and individual members. It is not funded by train companies, political parties or trade unions, and all members have an equal say.

    Railfuture campaigns for cheap and convenient rail services for everyone; better links for buses, bikes and pedestrians; policies to get more heavy lorries on to rail; new lines, stations and freight terminals. In short, a better rail service and a bigger rail system for both passengers and freight.

    Railfuture is pro-rail but not anti-road or anti-air. However, we campaign for a switch from road and air to rail. We do not interfere in the running of the railway - we campaign for the quality and range of services provided, not how they are delivered. We are the only champion of all rail users.

    Railfuture is the campaigning name of Railfuture Ltd.

    A not-for-profit Company Limited by Guarantee.

    Registered in England and Wales No. 05011634.

    Registered Office: Edinburgh House, 1-5 Bellevue Road, Clevedon, North Somerset BS21 7NP (for legal correspondence only).

    All other correspondence to 3 Chandos Court, Martlesham, Suffolk IP12 4SU

    © Copyright Railfuture Ltd 2025.

    Railfuture is happy for extracts to be used by journalists, researchers and students. We would, however, appreciate a mention of Railfuture in any article, website or programme. Except with Railfuture's express written permission, no one should distribute or commercially exploit the content.

    About Railfuture

    Grŵp annibynol o wirfoddolwyr yw Railfuture, yn cynrychioli teithwyr rheilffordd yn y DU gyda 20,000 o aelodau, unigolion a rhai cysylltiedig. Nid yw`n derbyn cyllid gan gwmniau trenau, pleidiau gwleidyddol neu undebau llafur ac mae`r mudiad yn defnyddio y sustem o `un aelod, un bleidlais'.

    Ymgyrcha Railfuture am wasanaethau trênau rhad a chyfleus i bawb, gwell cysylltiadau ar gyfer bysiau, beiciau a cherddwyr, polisiau i drosglwyddo mwy o nwyddau o loriau i reilffyrdd, leiniau newydd, gorsafoedd a chanolfannau ar gyfer nwyddau. Yn fyr, gwell gwasanaethau trênau a rhwydwaith ehangach ar gyferteithwyr a nwyddau.

    Railfuture yw`r enw ymgyrchu Railfuture cyf.

    Cwmni cyfyngedig (di-elw) drwy Warant.

    Cofrestredig yng Nghymru a Lloegr Rhif 05011634.

    Swyddfa Gofrestredig: Edinburgh House, 1-5 Bellevue Road, Clevedon, North Somerset BS21 7NP (ar gyfer gohebiaeth gyfreithiol yn unig).

    Pob gohebiaeth arall i 3 Chandos Court, Martlesham, Suffolk IP12 4SU

    © Hawlfraint Railfuture cyf 2025.

    Mae Railfuture yn rhoi ganiatâd i ohebwyr, ymchwilwyr a myfyrwyr i ddefnyddio ddyfyniadau o`n dogfennau. Sut bynnag, fe werthfawrogem cyfeirnod i`r ffynhonnell [sef, Railfuture] mewn unrhyw erthygl, wefan neu raglen. Ni chaniateir unrhyw ddosbarthu neu ymelwad masnachol o`r materion heb ganiatâd penodol ac ysgrifenedig gan Railfuture..